Well, hello there {waves enthusiastically}
Like so many of us, I had great plans to kick start the blog again while we were forced to close our little green hut stable door, but Ofcourse, here we are, 2 lockdowns later, a brief opening last summer, full steam ahead since April 2021 & now Released, albeit with a degree of restrictions still!
Yet still no blog post…… It’s strange but true, when you “appear” to have more time, you often do less, how can that be? Dreaming. Procrastinating. Surviving! Whatever the reason, the timing is starting to feel right & I’m bravely making a public pledge (a bit like asking for sponsors when I enter an event, always makes me commit) to blog more regularly.
There's never a "right time", but rather than trying to make words & pictures near perfect & continuing to put it off, here it is! So, the first dip of my toe in the bloggy water isn't perfect, it's short & sweet with a silly, much too dark, photo of us, Rachel, in my new walking cape & the paws, Gilbert, with the flappy ears, on a rock in Scotland at New Year. But I've hit publish & I guess that means I've actually achieved what I've been trying to do for almost 2 years - to say hi & re-introduce ourselves.
Hopefully, if I can keep the New Year commitment going, it will be a mostly monthly thing {fingers crossed} There’s lots to tell already, & to keep you updated with our news, our plans, hut projects, community, work & life. I do hope you’ll keep us company.
Hutty hugs xx